About me

About me

Hi, my name is Alin.

I was born in 1982 in a small town in Romania, in the heart of the Carpathian mountains. I spent most of my childhood, as well as the school years, there. During vacations, I stayed at my grandmother’s house most of the time, in a small village spread across a beautiful valley. That experience allowed me to appreciate the simple countryside life and the people living there.

My parents supported me in most of my decisions about my future and I want to thank them for their efforts, as I would not be who I am today without them.

I’m a Christian Orthodox, I believe in God and I go to Church every Sunday. I owe the seeds for my faith to my grandmother, who taught me many things, even though her formal education ended after 4th grade.

I have been happily married for since 2009 to an amazing woman and we have a son, whom we love spending time with.

My professional path

I graduated first in class from University, in the field of Automation and Applied Informatics. After another 2 years I received my Master’s Degree in Information Systems and Technologies.

My first job was in a small software company, in my home town, for a really small paycheck. There weren’t that many options to work in technology in town… I left after only 3 months, in order to join the automotive branch of Siemens, moving to a bigger city, Timișoara.

Shortly after the Siemens automotive division was bought by Continental, I left the company. A new opportunity presented itself – to join a small startup company – Movidius, advertising a new promising technology and great potential. Together with an awesome group of people, I was able to grow my skills further. Eventually I became responsible for one of the bigger projects that were being developed. I chose to move higher on the path of leadership, first technical, then also as a team leader.

The small startup was eventually bought by Intel (proving the true potential this small company truly had). Since then I’ve been leading one of the best teams in Intel, made up from extraordinary people.

A new mission

After several years playing the role of leader for my team, I came to realize recently that I was not doing enough to help other people, a wider audience. My goals in these past years were too small and self-centered. I needed to raise them by an order of magnitude. I want to feel that I am doing my part to help others find solutions to their problems and maybe those “ah-ha” moments that might change their lives for the better.

So now, my mission and goals have changed – I want to help put you and other people like you on the right track to improve various aspects in your life. Let’s face it – we all have our problems and sometimes a different point of view is necessary, in order to fix them. I believe I can achieve this by sharing with you some of the information I’ve come across in recent times. Also, I am trying to identify simple steps you can follow, in order to fix some of the problem areas in your life. Those that you are trying to fix, but are unable to do so on your own (and maybe some of the ones you didn’t know you had, as well).

I want to provide some insight in the mindset and actions you need to develop to unleash your full potential. But of course, since “forced love is impossible”, you need to put in your effort to better yourself. I can help you with the how, you need to put in the action.

Being an engineer at the core, I like to keep things simple (the KISS principle – “Keep It Simple, Stupid!”). What you can expect is the information in a simple form, so that anyone can understand it. I’m not good at writing, but I am good at problem solving and identifying the important things you need to focus on. The ones that matter.

It’s not rocket science to improve your life. But you need to make it a mission. You just have to want it bad enough and have faith. I believe that faith is the one thing that can make or break your life.
Have faith as little as the grain of mustard and you will be able to move mountains (paraphrasing the Bible text).

I don’t have all the answers, but I do have some that I want to share with you. There are many people who spent a lot of time developing some of these concepts, so I don’t have any claim to authoring them. But I am putting them to practice and they work.

“You want to live your life as if all your dreams have come true and you challenge your reality to catch up” – Dan Lok.
